A Private Christian School Educating Kindergarten Through High School

Facility Rental

QCS is pleased to have our wonderful facilities used by the community in a variety of ways. We actively rent out classrooms, gymnasium, auditorium, and banquet facilities. We have ample parking for large events and many amenities for your use. Whether you need a classroom, gym or a gathering area it is advisable to make arrangements as early as possible. Our rental policy and fee structures vary depending on location and use. Please refer to the informational pages listed below.

If you are interested in using our facility please either call our office at 215-536-6970 or complete the Rental Inquiry below. We would be happy to give you a tour at your convenience.

Thank you for considering QCS for your facility needs.

Rental Inquiry

Facility Guidelines for Renters

In any case, where these simple guidelines are violated, Quakertown Christian School reserves the right to terminate a rental agreement and any future rental options.

Revised: 7/15/21

Rental Inquiry