Clothing Modesty
Students are asked to wear clothing that adheres to the modest attire described below.
Please look through your wardrobe to ensure you have attire required at QCS.
If your attire is not modest as outlined below, you will be asked to leave class and change.
If you do not have a change of clothing, you will be asked to wait in the office until a family member can bring you proper attire.
Consider keeping a spare outfit in your locker – just in case.
Casual sneakers or shoes, flip-flops, and Crocs are acceptable.
Shirts/Blouse/Tank Tops
Shirts should be suitable for recreation and appropriate for a learning environment.
Shirts must be modest and cannot be form-fitting or low cut (no cleavage), and cannot reveal the chest, stomach, or back.
Crop tops must be worn with a tank top or camisole underneath.
Undergarments must be covered at all times.
If your shirt is somewhat sheer, wear a tank top or camisole underneath it.
Girls can wear tank tops with straps two inches in width.
Boys cannot wear tank tops.
Skirts or Dresses
Dresses cannot be low-cut, expose the back or chest, or be form-fitting.
Dresses must have straps at least two inches in width.
Dresses and skirts must reach the end of your fingertips with arms fully extended. If you need to adjust your dress/skirt to ensure proper length, it is too short.
Jeans or Pants
Any holes in pants must be below the knee, unless there is a liner behind the hole that blocks the view of skin. Pants may not be tight and may not reveal undergarments.
Leggings are not allowed to be worn as pants, but may be worn under shorts/skirts/dresses.
Shorts may not have holes unless there is a liner behind the hole that blocks the view of skin.
Shorts may not be tight, or too loose, and may not reveal undergarments.
Shorts must reach the end of the fingertips with arms fully extended.
Wearing leggings or spandex under shorts does not negate the length requirement.
Shorts must extend past the end of your shirt.
Hairstyles and Hats
Students may color their hair but cannot brightly color their entire head.
Students should not have a distracting hairstyle.
Hats should not be worn in school, unless allowed for a spirit day or other special event.
Earrings and nose piercings are permissible.
Offensive logos or sayings that include tobacco, alcohol, or other questionable material that are contrary to QCS teaching are not allowed.
Topics that may cause division within our school community including political candidates/policies, or LGBTQ+ references are not permitted.
It is possible that something might not be listed here and still not be okay. This is not necessarily an exhaustive list.
While this list is fairly comprehensive, there may be at times exceptions and exclusions to the policy. If this occurs, an appropriate rationale will be given.