A Private Christian School Educating Kindergarten Through High School


The Quakertown Christian School Athletic Department, in partnership with parents, seeks to develop the God-given abilities of each student-athlete in preparation for successful team experiences. We believe in encouraging strength and the training of the physical body to work in partnership with the mind and spirit to glorify the Lord and bless and encourage others through teamwork. The QCS athletic program works to provide unique opportunities to nurture young athletes while challenging returning athletes to enhance and improve their skills and performance.

bear down logo

Bear Down Newsletter March 2024

QCS Athletic Program at a Glance

Sports Offerings 2024-25 School Year

sports schedule Athletics Payments

Athletic Participation Forms

students playing soccer

students playing volleyball

Interested in Coaching?

Contact Josh Goodin, 215.536.6970 ext 510 or email

Homeschool Students and QCS

QCS has welcomed homeschool families for many years to provide opportunities to participate in team sports. Athletics provides a venue for students to develop not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually.


Contact Josh Goodin, 215.536.6970 ext 510 or email

QCS Sports Booster Club

Contact by email

Stay Up to Date with QCS Athletics!

Don’t miss a game! Visit the QCS Boosters & Athletics website for the latest game schedules, merch sales, volunteer opportunities, and ways to support our teams. Whether you’re in the stands or helping behind the scenes, your involvement matters!

Visit the QCS Boosters & Athletics Website