Meg Sabulsky– (Board Chair) Parent of recent QCS graduates. Alumni. WordFM Radio. Attends Upper Milford Mennonite Church.
Nathan Moyer – (Board Vice-Chair) Parent of students at QCS. Alumni. Business Owner. Attends Foundation Reformed Church.
Gerry Clemmer – Associate Pastor, Finland Mennonite Church.
Barb Rice – Parent of 8th grade graduate of QCS; works in the financial services industry; active in missions at Deep Run Mennonite East Church; serves on the Healthy Niños Honduras and Everence FCU boards.
Heloise Ridley – Parent of students at QCS. Doctoral candidate. Attends The Father’s House Christian Fellowship in Easton, PA.
Brenda Shelley – Employed at Everence, attends Blooming Glen Mennonite Church.
Chad Wisler – Pastor, Calvary Church of Souderton, Alumni.
Robert Helverson– Parent of middle and elementary school students. Alumni. Pastor Salem Mennonite Church.