A Private Christian School Educating Kindergarten Through High School

QCS Board of Directors

Board Members

Meg Sabulsky– (Board Chair) Parent of recent QCS graduates. Alumni. WordFM Radio. Attends Upper Milford Mennonite Church.

Nathan Moyer – (Board Vice-Chair) Parent of students at QCS. Alumni. Business Owner. Attends Foundation Reformed Church.

Gerry Clemmer – Associate Pastor, Finland Mennonite Church.

Barb Rice – Parent of 8th grade graduate of QCS; works in the financial services industry; active in missions at Deep Run Mennonite East Church; serves on the Healthy Niños Honduras and Everence FCU boards.

Heloise Ridley – Parent of students at QCS. Doctoral candidate. Attends The Father’s House Christian Fellowship in Easton, PA.

Brenda Shelley – Employed at Everence, attends Blooming Glen Mennonite Church.

Chad Wisler – Pastor, Calvary Church of Souderton, Alumni.

Robert Helverson– Parent of middle and elementary school students. Alumni. Pastor Salem Mennonite Church.


Meeting Schedule

The QCS Board typically meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Please contact the school office to confirm the date of an upcoming board meeting. 215-536-6970.

Public Participation at Board Meetings

The Board of Directors for QCS desires patrons and interested parties to attend its sessions so that they may become better acquainted with the operation and programs of the school and that the Board may have the opportunity to hear the wishes and ideas of the public.

In order to assure that individuals wishing to appear before the Board may be heard, and at the same time conduct its meetings properly and efficiently, the Board has adopted as policy the following procedures and rules pertaining to public participation during regular monthly Board meetings.

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